Rent apartment in Odessa, Ukraine
You don't have to be our client to use our apartment rental service. Our apartments are clean, nicely designed, having the best location in the city, affordable rates and greatly managed by our staff ready to assist you with any kind of problems or questions.
In order to find out the availability of apartment you should press "Book" next to chosen apartment, mentioning the dates of your staying. Our staff representative shall contact you shortly.
If it's available and you want your flat to be securely booked for your dates of staying in Odessa you would need to pay deposit money - the cost of one day of staying.
The meeting in the airport one way costs $20.
All prices should be discussed before ordering as database is not updated frequently. More apartments available by your request.
Special offer:Designed in historical antique Odessa style it is ideal for 1-2 people but can hold up to 4 people.

The heart of Odessa, 2-room apartment in Vorontsovsky lane right near Potemkin steps and Deribasovskaya,
the third floor of a three storied building. Bedroom is supplied with a double bed. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen-studio has all necessary things for cooking. Living-room has double hidden sofa. Equipped with refrigerator, phone for city calls, dvd player, TV-set(cable TV), computer with Internet connection,plates and dishes,
coffee maker, nice furniture, iron, washing-machine, hot and cold water, own water heating, air-conditioner, coffee machine, oven, microwave.
More photos The price: 55 USD for one day Book
Big two-bedroom apartment, it is ideal for 3-4 people.

The heart of Odessa, 3-room apartment in Lanzheronovskaya near Opera House and Deribasovskaya,
the second floor of a three storied building. Two bedrooms supplied with middle size double beds and two sofas. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen-studio has all necessary things for cooking.Equipped with refrigerator, phone, TV-set(cable TV),plates and dishes, nice furniture, washing-machine, hot and cold water, oven.
More photos The price: 75 USD for one day Book
Two-room apartment, nice design - ideal for 1-2 people

The center of Odessa, 2-room apartment in Koblevskya near Preobrazhenskiy cathedral and Deribasovskaya,
the third floor of a three storied building. Bedroom supplied with middle size double bed. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen has all necessary things for cooking.Equipped with refrigerator, phone, air-conditioner, TV-set,plates and dishes, nice furniture, hot and cold water, oven.
More photos The price: 65 USD for one day Book
Two-bedroom apartment in the center of Odessa.

The center of Odessa, 2-room apartment in Sobornaya square near Preobrazhenskiy cathedral and Deribasovskaya,
the second floor of a two storied building. Two rooms supplied with two middle size double beds. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen has all necessary things for cooking.Equipped with refrigerator, phone, TV-set,plates and dishes, nice furniture, hot and cold water, oven. More photos The price: 65 USD for one day Book
Antique style two room apartment in the center of Odessa.

The center of Odessa, old style 2-room apartment in Schepkina street 2 blocks from Deribasovskaya (main street),
the second floor of a two storied building. Bedroom supplied with middle size double bed, sofa in the living-room. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen is supplied with refrigerator,plates and dishes, oven. Equipped with phone, TV-set, nice antique furniture, hot and cold water. More photos The price: 65 USD for one day Book
Small two-room apartment in the center of Odessa.

The main street of Odessa, 2-room apartment on Deribasovskaya street right across Mcdonald's(the popular prominent meeting point for foreigners),
the third floor of a three storied building. Bedroom is middle size double bed. Bathroom is bath / toilet. Kitchen is studio.Equipped with refrigerator, phone, TV-set,plates and dishes, furniture, oven, own heating system. More photos The price: 65 USD for one day Book
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Feedbacks Victoriya: VERY WELL DONE
I'm impressed
I can't thank you and Genna (hope its spelled right), for all your support and effort in making the meeting with Nataliya Larionova successful. I commend you on the integrity and honesty that is the obvious cornerstone of your business practices. Don't hesitate to use me for a reference if you ever need to, I would be honored to express to anyone the integrity you have brought to the union of men and women who meet as strangers and are enabled by your gentle guidance to seek their kindred spirits.... Thank you for procuring the apartment again, it is a very enjoyable accommodation. I thank you very much for all you have done and are continuing to do.
William, USA
Feedbacks Hello Victoriya, We are arrived safely in Torino only last Friday, before we stayed some days in Austria and in Venezia. We are well , Vlady has already begun to go to Italian school. Many thanks for your help.
Claudio, Italy